Dennis is the sole developer of a method to fabricating True Round Steel Boats know as 'Bezier Chine Design and Construction'. He has been in the architectural metal work field for more than 30 years. He started work on the shop floor progressing to pattern development, Cnc Programming and ultimately boat design. He has always been interested in making pieces that fit perfectly, and nothing fits together like true round steel boats totally pre-engineered by 'Bezier Chine Design and Constructiion'.
His career in architectural metal work combined well with an enjoyment for sailing lead him to build his first boat, a 17' plywood sailboat. Years later he built a 34 foot double chine steel hull. Out of interest, he decided to further his knowledge and studied small craft design at Westlawn Institute of Marine Technology. He finishing Westlawn's curriculum in 1991.
Dennis also contributed several articles, which were published in 'Boatbuilder' magazine on metal working methods as related to steel and aluminum hull construction.
After merging his new found Small Boat Design skills, long standing architectural and metalworking experience, amateur boat building and Cnc Programing he became preoccupied with developing a procedure to simplify "One Of" true round steel and aluminum hull design and construction methods. His personal requirement for this method of construction would have to place the process within the grasp of 'one of'amateur builders, while appealing to professional builders.
The design and construction method both named and developed, by Dennis is formally called 'Bezier Chine' Design and Construction. It is based on standard pattern development methods, known as Approximate development, used in architectural sheetmetal work. The method is simple, consistant, and predictable.
The Bezier 12.5 is the prototype build. It is a classic styled, tumblehone, aluminum, true round hull design. It was built by Dennis to illustrated the construction end of 'Bezier Chine' design.
His book 'True Round Metal Boat Building', available on Amazon fully detail the theory of 'Bezier Chine Design and Construction', the theory of 'Approximate Development', and time test metalworking methods used in metal fabrication. The book illustrates how 'One Of' True Round steel and aluminum hulls are within the skill level of amateur builders. It also enable professional builders of hard chine boats to add true round steel and aluminum hulls to their product line.
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