Converting a
Double hard Chine Hull
to a
True Round Hull

The thought of converting a hard chine hull  to a True Round Hull is a question that I have seen asked many times on  'Boat Building and Boat Design Forums.  

Respondents replies were generally quick, short, ill thought out, because that is the nature of the Forums.

The Reality of being able to converting a Hard Chine hull to a True Round hull is just a By-product of  'Bezier Design and Construction' that floated around in my brain as I developed 'Bezier Design and Construction'

It is only now that I feel the need to address that question and another question I have also seen numerous times in the Forums.  Which type of hull is faster an Hard Chine or a True Round Hull?  To answer this question, we cannot just race some Guy’s hard chine steel hull against some other Guy’s true round steel hull.

To have an fair and equal race I am going to convert ‘Thunder Cloud’, a steel thirty-five-foot, Double Hard Chine hull that I designed for an assignment while attending ‘Westlawn Institute of Marine Technology’ into a True Round Design for the comparison.  Well I guess that answers the first question!

The following below link will take you to the Engineering Data of the Conversion.

Conversion Process


Speed Perdictions

While the following sets of Renderings illustrates the dramatic results of that conversion of 'Thunder Cloud' using the Author proprietary method ‘Bezier Design and Construction’.

Forward Sections

Aft Sections

Forward Prospective

Aft Prospective

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About Dislacement Hull Performance

Did you know that the weight of a displacement sailboat is NOT the governing factor that determines its potential speed, but the length of the hull Waterline?

Click Here to see Why

Converting a Hard Chine Hull to a True Round Hull

Click Here to see how.

Steel and Aluminum True Round Building Plans

Click Here