'True Round Metal Boat Building'

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Traditional true round hull 'plating methods' have always been arcane and obscure in nature. Plating a true round or wineglass styled sailboat hull design, to date, has been an artistic metal forming process.

The purpose of this book is to demonstrate a simpler approach to plate a true round hull. One that reduces the time, effort and the special skills required. The book begins with a discussion about the theory of ‘Bezier Chine’ by relating it to long-established architectural sheet-metal layout principle known as 'Approximate Development'.

‘Bezier Chine’ design and construction uses high tech computer design. This reduces construction to time-honored architectural metal-working procedures that are methodology, consistent and predictable.

Every part of the hull is fully developed and clearly described. Includes never-failing techniques to pre-form all the shell plating and position it on the hulls corresponding framework in a fair and seamless manner. There is nothing vague about the process.

"True Round Metal Boat Building" by D.L. Schaffer, simplifies construction of true round hulls for every boat builder. The ‘Bezier 12.5” - a classic 16 foot aluminum tumblehome hull design is used to demonstrate the principles of ‘Bezier Chine’ design and construction.


(The Web-site is only an abbreviated version of the book)

Materials – Tools - Techniques        

Drawings and Patterns               

Pre-Fabricating the Framing         

Pre-Fabricating the Shell Plating      

Setting up the Framework             

Plating the True Round Surface         

Developable Shell Plating            

Welding the Hull Framing           

Welding the Shell Plating         

General Thoughts                 

Surface Finishing                

Theory of Approximate Development          

Bezier Design Hull Configurations           

Bezier 12.5 Photo’s                 

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About Dislacement Hull Performance

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Converting a Hard Chine Hull to a True Round Hull

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Steel and Aluminum True Round Building Plans

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