The development of 'Bezier Chine Design and Construction' is a result of my career in Architectural Metal Fabrication, CNC Programming, Sheetmetal pattern Development, and my studies at the 'Westlawn Institute of Marine Technology.
It is a design and construction method that pre-engineered the entire hull structure. All components, including the shell plating are predefined and formed to fit seamlessly together. There are no vague and obscure or artistic techniques involved in construction.
Those skills are replaced with time honored sheet-metal fabrication methods use every day in the Metal Fabrication Industry!
The steel and aluminum True Round boat Building method that I am about to introduce, 'Bezier Chine Design and Construction', was developed soley by the author of this website. It is a high-tech computer design method that blends well with the proven time-honored metal fabrication layout method know as:
There is an alternate method of forming the shell plating of a 'True Round' hull that may be preferred by the more traditional builder.
The following link details the 'Bezier Chine Design and Construction' process which takes mush of the raw artistic talent required to form the shell plating for a true round hull.
The build used to illustrate 'Bezier Chine Design and Construction' is a small, curvy, classic tumblehome design. If this curvy aluminum fabricated boat can be built using Bezier Chine Design and Construction, Approximate Development Method, then any other true round hull shape would certainly be a breeze.
Click on the below link (Hull Components) to see a preview of Tranversw Frame, Longintudinal Frame, and Shell Plate fabrication or (Building the Hull) for Assembling the Framing and Shell Plating Methods.
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