Microsoft Excel

Highlight the below link to download to download all  the Excel spreads used in 'Applied Metal Boatbuilding Methods' which includes the spreadsheet illustration used in the previous page.

Then, Right Click your Mouse:

Depending on your system Select 'Open Link' or 'Go to https://1drv____ in the Drop down menu:

Then, Left Click 'Download':   

A Zip file will be downloaded to your Computer. Use 7-Zip to extract the this Excel files

ClicK here to Download Excel Files to be used with:

Click for a Sample Hatch Coaming Layout

About Dislacement Hull Performance

Did you know that the weight of a displacement sailboat is NOT the governing factor that determines its potential speed, but the length of the hull Waterline?

Click Here to see Why

Converting a Hard Chine Hull to a True Round Hull

Click Here to see how.

Steel and Aluminum True Round Building Plans

Click Here