True Round
Metal Boat Building
(Bezier Design and Construction)

To the Reader

There are No Artistic, vague, or obscure Steel and Aluminum True Round boat-building methods addressed here, only time honored metal layout and fabrication methods used every day in the metal fabrication industry will be addressed.

The development of 'Bezier Chine Design and Construction' is a result of my career in Architectural Metal Fabrication, CNC Programming, Sheetmetal pattern Development, and my studies at the 'Westlawn Institute of Marine Technology.

It is a design and construction method that pre-engineered the entire hull structure.  All components, including the shell plating  are predefined and formed to fit seamlessly together.  There are no vague and obscure or artistic techniques involved in construction.

Those skills are replaced with time honored sheet-metal fabrication methods use every day in the Metal Fabrication Industry!

The steel and aluminum True Round boat Building method that I am about to introduce, 'Bezier Chine Design and Construction', was developed soley by the author of this website.   It is a high-tech computer design method that blends well with the proven time-honored metal fabrication layout method know as:

Approximate Development

The build used to illustrate 'Bezier Chine Design and Construction' is a small, curvy, classic tumblehome design. If this curvy aluminum fabricated boat can be built using Bezier Chine Design and Construction, Approximate Development Method, then any other true round hull shape would certainly be a breeze.

Click on the below link (Hull Components) to see a preview of the Transverse Frames, Longintudinal Frames, and Shell Plate fabrication or (Building  the Hull) for  a short overview  of how the Hull is fabricated..

Hull Components

Building the Hull

To promote

'Bezier Design and Construction'

I am making available full building plans, which includes all the Arhitectural drawings and full-size patterns in PDF file formate by way of a link directly to your computer.

Available Designs

You do not have to build the boat, but you sure can explore something new out there. Think outside of the box, you have to see this concept on True Round metal boat building.

All Copyrights Reserved -

2009 - 2025

ClicK here to Download Spreadsheet Files to be used with:

Click for a Sample Hatch Coaming Layout

English Wheeling

Learn about Full-Patterns for Englishing Wheeling

Click Here

Bezier Hull Configerations

There are Four (4)True Round hull Configerations

Click Here

Dislacement Hull Speed

Did you know that the weight of a displacement sailboat is NOT the governing factor that determines its potential speed, but the length of the hull Waterline?

Click Here

Converting a Hard Chine Hull to a True Round Hull

Click Here

Steel and Aluminum True Round Building Plans

Click Here